In December, Chester's Roman Legion, Deva Victrix, invited the city to "Celebrate Christmas the Roman Way". Saturnalia was the Roman festival to celebrate the god Saturn, and took place in late December. During Saturnalia, slaves and masters swapped roles, and a Lord of Misrule was appointed to preside over the celebrations. We donned thick capes and our warmest costumes to accompany Deva Victrix as they paraded through Chester accompanied by the Emperor, the Lord of Misrule and an effigy of Saturn.
The Emperor, soldiers carrying Saturn, and the Lord of Misrule
Watching the Lord of Misrule
Deva Victrix in ChesterAfter the procession there was a Saturnalia party, where we danced for the Emperor. Entertainment for such an important guest required extra dancers, and Ya Raqs were joined by 'The Balouza Babes', some of whom seemed unusually butch and hairy for dancers. Don't call us, girls; we'll call you!

eil dance
The Balouza Babes
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